
News & Views
For P5 and P6 students, drama provides a platform for students to hone their skills and showcase their talents as they collaborate with their peers to put up drama performances for the whole school.
Here are the links to some of our News and Views drama videos showcased in the recent years. Enjoy! (click on the links below to view)
2024 Videos
5TE - Towards an Inclusive Society
5RT - Towards a Greener Tomorrow
2023 Videos and Photos
6CA - Cyberwellness theme
6GR - Social Responsibility and Resilience
6HA - Bullying Prevention Matters

6RT - FTGP My Support Network: Care and Respect for Others

6RY - Self-directedness

2022 Videos and Photos

5CA 2022: Celebrating Diversity, Appreciating Interconnectedness
5RT 2022: Coping With Exam Stress
5GR 2022: Racial Harmony Day
5RY 2022: Celebrating Success
5HA 2022: Effective Study Skills
6CA 2022: Responsible Learner
6IN 2022: Overcoming The Odds Together
6PE 2022: News and Views @ BVPS
6RT 2022: News and Views on Innovation

6GR 2021: In the News
6RT 2021: Spelling Strategies
6RY 2021: International Friendship Day